About Spokes
SPOKES Unlimited is a private, not for profit, community-based Center for Independent Living, established in 1988. The name SPOKES comes from the belief that peer support and the sharing of information will eliminate the need to reinvent the wheel. The majority of our boards of directors, as well as staff members, have disabilities. This enables us to have insight into the ever-changing needs of individuals with all types of disabilities and to develop programs that respond to those needs.
Initially founded as a support group for persons with disabilities, their family and friends, SPOKES Unlimited grew into a full-fledged Center for Independent Living with the help of community partners and state funded grants. Currently SPOKES Unlimited has an office in Klamath Falls and provides services to Lakeview upon request, to assist with most issues faced by persons with disabilities.
What is independent living?
Independent living is the ability to make decisions about and participate in life, work, and play in the same ways as people without disabilities.
Oregon Independent Living Centers
Oregon CILs are community based, consumer directed, not for profit organizations. Independent Living Centers are nonresidential organizations serving individuals of any age with any disabilities in Oregon. Unique in the world of human services, CILs are governed and operated by board and staff composed of a majority of people with disabilities. All CILs provide four core services, which include:
- Information and Referral – one-stop shopping for information related to disability or services for individuals with disabilities, families, employers, and the community.
- Peer Support – staff and trained volunteers provide support, encouragement and guidance for individuals with disabilities.
- Independent Living Skills Training – assessment and training to people with disabilities in areas such as money management, housekeeping, communication, self-advocacy, prevocational skills and socialization.
- Individual and Systems Advocacy – consistent with the philosophy of independent living, individuals with disabilities are taught to advocate for themselves. In addition, CILs can engage in activities designed to affect positive change in local, state, and federal systems affecting individuals with disabilities.
- Life Transition Assistance - related to youth leaving secondary education, or individuals transitioning to or remaining in the least restrictive living environment.
Accreditation: AOCIL's network of CILs complete state and federal accrditation reviews to ensure compliance with standards and assurances in section 725 (b) and (c) of the Rehabilitation Act.
SERVICE AREA: Crook, Deschutes, and Jefferson Counties
Abilitree provides services for people with disabilities and their families, including:
Information and Referral
Peer Support
Independent Living Skills Training
Individual and Systems Advocacy
Personal Guide
Been There & Done That
For more information, visit our website at: www.abilitree.org or call (541) 388 8103.
EOCIL - Eastern Oregon Center for Independent Living
SERVICE AREA: Baker, Gilliam, Grant, Harney, Hood River, Malheur, Morrow, Sherman, Umatilla, Union, Wallowa, Wasco, and Wheeler Counties
Eastern Oregon Center of Independent Living (EOCIL) provides services for people with disabilities and their families, including:
Information and Referral
Peer Support
Independent Living Skills Training
Individual and Systems Advocacy
STEPS training for employers of Homecare workers
National Award-winning HIV/AIDS Project
Life Transition Services
Business and Employment Services
Work Incentives Network (WIN) ~ Benefits Analysis
Community Access Award Project
Community Education
Support Groups
ADA Technical Assistance
Youth Mentoring Project
For more information, visit our website at: www.eocil.org or contact the following locations:
Voice: (541) 889-3119
Toll-free: 1-866-248-8369
711 relay service: 711
Voice: (541) 276-1037
Toll-free: 1-877-711-1037
711 relay service: 711
The Dalles
Voice: (541) 370-2810
Toll-free 1-866-248-8369
711 relay service: 711
HASL - Handicapped Awareness and Support League
SERVICE AREA: All services in Josephine and Jackson Counties. WIN and STEPS programs are provided to Josephine, Jackson, Coos, Curry and Douglas Counties.
HASL provides services for people with disabilities and their families, including:
Information and Referral
Peer Mentoring
Independent Living Skills Training
Individual and Systems Advocacy
Work Incentives Network (WIN)
STEPS training for employers of Homecare workers
Employment services
Youth in Transition
Recreation and Social Programs
Durable medical equipment loan
ADA consultation
For more information, visit our website at: www.haslonline.org or call toll free: (800) 758-4275 / TTY (541) 479-3588.
ILR - Independent Living Resources
SERVICE AREA: Multnomah, Washington and Clackamas Counties
Independent Living Resources (ILR) provides services for people with disabilities and their families, including:
Information and Referral
Peer Support
Independent Living Skills Training
Individual and Systems Advocacy
Healthy Lifestyles
Skills Instruction
Sports/Outdoor Recreation
Volunteer Program
Crossroads Discussion (TBI) Group
Ready to Rent
Shopper's Group
Visually Impaired Support Group
Women's Support Group
Writing Group
For more information, visit our website at: www.ilr.org or call (503) 232-7411.
LILA - Lane Independence Living Alliance
SERVICE AREA: Lane, Linn, Benton, Lincoln, Marion, Polk and Yamhill
Lane Independence Living Alliance (LILA) provides services for people with disabilities and their families, including:
Information and Referral
LILA Peer Support Club
Independent Living Skills Training
Individual and Systems Advocacy
ADA Info-Oregon
Blue Path
Consumer Outreach Program
Disability Navigator Program
Eugene Sounds
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Living Well With MS Support Group
OPAL Network
Work Incentives Network (WIN)
STEPS training for employers of Homecare workers
For more information, visit our website at: www.lilaoregon.org or call (541) 607-7020.
UVDN - Umpqua Valley disAbilities Network
SERVICE AREA: Douglas County
Umpqua Valley disAbilities Network (UVDN) provides services for people with disabilities and their families, including:
Information and Referral
Peer Mentoring
Independent Living Skills Training
Individual and Systems Advocacy
Support Groups
Acquired Brain Injury
Cerebral Palsy
Type I Diabetes
Kids on the Block- a troupe of educational puppets that help kids learn and talk about disabilities and social issues
Magnificent Abilities Group (MAG)
For more information, visit our website at: www.uvdn.org or call(541) 672-6336 / TTY (541) 440-2882